Jun 13, 2022Liked by Michele a/k/a Nana

The trauma reverberates through my entire being. This is a hell hole that no parent envisioned themselves in. We are all in a psychosocial experiment with all the good, bad and indifference that the world wide web has established. Our kids are the most vulnerable to herd thinking. I don't know what immunes some and not others, but adults (and the institutions inhabited by adults) who aren't using common sense are causing actual harm. Every day there is a new shit storm, and just when you thought it couldn't get worse. I am so sorry for the hell you have had to endure, it is a dystopian nightmare to say the least.

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The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .

IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.

A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.

The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.

He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/06/the-jewish-pioneers-of-sexual-degeneracy-in-1920s-berlin/

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hope ur doing ok. not sure if uv ever read this list of reasons why girls choose to ID as boys.


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The Jewish Psychological Operation to Blame White Women . . .

“This desire to control women and view them as essentially worthless comes directly from jewish brains, going all the way back to blaming evil Eve for taking the apple in the garden of Eden. Observant jews thank YHVH every morning “that He didn’t make me a gentile, that He didn’t make me a woman, that He didn’t make me an ignoramus.” The Tractate Shabbat, sums up the attitude of jewish religious law toward women: they are “a sack full of excrement” with a bleeding hole. Jewish men essentially enslave their women and treat them worse than dogs...”


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deletedJan 14
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let me guess, your former employer was jewish and you were fired. or youre in financial trouble and you think its caused by an intl magic group of lizards

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How does a Jew get to Heaven from dry humping the Wailing Wall like Miley Cyrus?

Enquiring minds would like to know, so let’s ask Brother Nathaniel:

Jews go to the Wailing Wall and thrust their hips to imitate having intercourse with their “shekinah” (a female demon) while praying to their devil . . . at an old Roman fortress called Antonia . . .


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Society did not do this. A few specific, evil individuals did. And thanks to the courage of people like you, speaking out about the horrors that these individuals are inflicting, society is realizing that a very serious line has been crossed, without our consent, and is becoming more and more firm in rejecting this evil. Because our society is realizing that any one of us could be next.

We're sorry for what you've endured, but thank you for remaining strong, and for speaking out against it. Society has your back, even when Power may stand against you.

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You have every good reason to write what you have but I think calling it a “rant” diminishes its importance a little. We are allowed to have feelings and express them honestly without thinking we must call it “a rant”. Strong feelings of righteous anger are justified.

I remember expressing similar feelings and someone in an official role suggested my “rant” upset a social worker. He judged me unfit to be a carer for my grandson in case “he grows up to be transgender”. My transgender phobic views counted against me in my assessment to be a potential foster carer.

If I could have found a solicitor to challenge the judgement, I would have done so. The Western world is so captured by this insane evil that very few people have courage like you to speak against it.

I also am mother of a beautiful daughter who is now legally male. My heart was broken. It has been difficult to cling onto my Christian faith. This daughter is still alive after suicide attempts. After years of estrangement I do have Skype contact.

We have to count our blessings and keep fighting

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If you cannot be honest about the sex, what can you be honest about?

When Arnold Schnitzel-wagger (sic) got caught impregnating his voluptuous maid, the tsunami of faux moral outrage swept across television and computer screens from people who have the slenderest claim to any semblance of fidelity or ethics of any kind.

Arnold couldn't admit he likes fat girls and Maria couldn't admit she was too anemic to get the job done anymore . . . After all, marrying into the Katholic Kennedy Klan should come with special social privileges, should it not?

Whatever happened to 'make love not war' or 'free love, baby'?

Did Arnie just miss the flight of the Lolita Express that weekend, or did Bill Clinton and Bill Gates have the flights booked that month?

Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.

The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .


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I agree with the first sentence if I understand it correctly. We could benefit as a society if we abandon the word “gender” as it describes a social construct and enables a misuse of meaning. “Sex” is a biological reality most humans understand.

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1. Evolution is heterosexual.

2. Monogamy is a tenet of religion.

3. The Jewish god is a fraud.

4. All men are born of a woman.

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4. The fact that all men are born of a woman is relevant. Some people are claiming they can retain their wombs and yet be legally male. My daughter for instance. Nonsense. The legal system has lost its sanity in the U.K to allow such ridiculous possibilities.

Men cannot give birth. Trying to transplant a womb into a man is a waste of time and money. Ethics has gone from medicine. We are talking about a medical scandal when we discuss “gender affirming care”.

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Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .

As Kenneth Vinther pointed out in his review of Scott Howard’s The Transgender-Industrial Complex (2020) at Counter Currents, transgenderism is a thoroughly kosher campaign: “at the top of the [transgender] pyramid rests a series of charming Jewish billionaires...”


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Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .

“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”


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